Back Injury Treatment

Here's How to Heal:

Avoid Surgery

In order to get your back injury fully healed as fast and effectively as possible, you need to treat the injury. Painkillers and anti-inflammatories DO NOT help you heal and can even make the healing process longer, and having surgery will mean long-term consequences and prevent full recovery. Instead, you need to alleviate the swelling and discomfort, then promote bloodflow to the area to heal the injury.

It's recommended you use ColdCure® and BFST® (Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™) wraps. Both are high quality medical devices that set the industry standard for injury treatment.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Use ColdCure® to reduce the pain and reduce the swelling
  • Use BFST® every day to improve blood flow and repair the damaged tissue
  • Avoid straining your injured back

BFST® Repairs the Tissue

Using advanced technology, Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) medical devices promote increased circulation, accelerating the healing process to the next level. Blood flow is crucial to fast tissue repair! Use BFST® to heal the tissue after your swelling.

Click here for more information!

ColdCure® Treats the Pain

ColdCure® cold packs relieve pain and reduce inflammation after your injury. These wraps can hold the cold longer than other cold wraps using RigiGel® technology which also distributes cold evenly over the injured area. Cold is much safer than ice, which is too cold and can burn skin.

Click here for more information!

Certified Medical Devices

ColdCure® and BFST® Back Wraps are FDA registered, and are certified safe medical treatments for back injuries. You can rest easy knowing you are using only professional treatment to heal your injury.

The Ultimate Solution

Recovery can be easy if you use the right treatment. Simply follow these steps to get you and your injury on the road to fast recovery.

Step One: Reduce the Swelling

ColdCure Back Wrap

To reduce the inflammation or pain following a back injury, use a ColdCure® Back Wrap for the best post-injury treatment. Before you can start healing, you need to make sure the swelling is gone. ColdCure® wraps, unlike other gels, hold their shape and spread the cold out evenly over the damaged torso or waist. Cold is better than using ice, which burns the skin and is uncomfortable to wear. ColdCure® wraps are stored in the fridge and keep that cold in longer than other wraps, so you can wear it without switching out gels as often.

Step Two: Heal the Tissue

BFST Back Wrap

In order to heal quickly, you need to take action to accelerate the healing process. One of the best ways to do this is to improve your circulation. Better blood flow means that your body can deliver oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to the injured back, for the fastest treatment. A Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy™ (BFST®) Back Wrap offers the best solution, as it penetrates deep under the skin to the damaged tissue.

REMEMBER: If you are still experiencing swelling, you need to reduce the inflammation before using BFST® to heal the tissue. Using heat or BFST® before the swelling in your back has gone down will only make your injury worse. Do not combine cold and hot treatments at the same time.


Comfortable High Quality Wraps

Both wraps uphold a high standard of comfort. Each is made of soft, high quality Neoprene and crafted specifically for back injuries. These devices are shaped with your injury in mind. The ColdCure® gel itself is no ordinary design. It is made to surround the entire injured area, enveloping it with the pain relieving power of RigiGel®. The BFST's® patented Energy Web® is also designed to provide coverage across the whole injury, and improves circulation throughout the area.


These wraps work great for:

  • Sciatica
  • Back Fatigue
  • Pulled Back Muscles
  • Cramping
  • Other Back injuries

For more a more in-depth explanation of the functions of these wraps, we recommend browsing the ColdCure® and BFST® website.

Click here for more about these products!

Forum Content from the Health Care Company King Brand®

Can I do back to back BFST treatments on the same area, one after the other?

A customer asked, "Can I do back to back BFST treatments on the same area, one after the other?"

Re: Can I do back to back BFST treatments on the same area, one after the other?

It is ok to do two BFST treatments in a row on the same area, but it will not help you to heal any faster than doing four regular treatments a day. The increase in blood flow lasts approximately four hours after each twenty minute treatment you do with the BFST, which is why about four treatments spaced four hours apart from each other a day is ideal. However, doing back to back treatments with the BFST may help symptomatically with the pain from conditions such as arthritis. To improve the longevity of your BFST, give the device five minutes to cool down in between treatments.

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